Location: Shiraz
Client: Mr.Noshadi
Completed: 2023
Area: 306
Design Team: Ramin PoorKeivan - Marzieh Rezazadeh - Mehran Hosseinmardi - Hanieh Mohamadi
Lat Villa
Nowadays, city fatigue and urban life are one of the challenges of architecture, and this issue is one of the factors influencing the upcoming project. The project site is an area with a history dating back to the late Ahmad Shah Ilkhanate period. During this period, coinciding with World War I, the Qashqai of the region designed and built camps to confront the British cavalry. They pitched their tents on large rocks at the highest points to have a strategic advantage against various positions and attacks. The function of these structures is similar to that of watchtowers. The Ilkhanate played an important role in the design and development of this architecture. In the upcoming project, much attention is paid to the authenticity of the site as well as the Qashqai and nomadic tents that permanently or temporarily reside in the area. The structure was designed, taking into account the nomadic architecture mentioned above, as a lightweight block placed on a solid foundation. In addition, choosing a project location is also an answer to the challenges of urban life. A place that stands out amidst the hustle and bustle of the city and offers peace of mind in its location.
  • Exterior View

  • Exterior View

  • Exterior View

  • Bird eye view

  • Bird eye view

  • Top View

  • Exterior View

  • Exterior View

  • Design process